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You're a putz.

Someone revoke his membership here before we all suffer any longer!
why don't you 2 love birds get a room
That's sexual harrasment Black Laz, I am reporting you to Gonzo.
Quote:why don't you 2 love birds get a room

How about a cell?
It's as if Maymay never left....
you wear power well Jack.
you put a sentence together that sounded really nice...

but content wise I am a little lost.
Who is this Black Lazerus and who the fuck asked him for his 2 cents?

Now now Jack....put those cell keys down :lookatme:
But I'll let you share one so that you don't get lonely. I won't seperate you like the other Mods would.
The only thing lamer than arpi starting this thread was arpi editing his posts out afterwards.

As for being a mod or admin, theres nothing special about it, its all work unless you get off on fucking with people over a message board. Personally I think it would be pretty lame to use the same shit that i used to bitch about on another board to fuck with people, so I prefer to be a regular member who happens to help out around here rather than a dick with extra buttons.
Metalfan hi i am black laz how are you
who am I i am the guy who will be fucking your mom later
as for my 2 cents no one ever asks i always give
I was starting to question if I had really done something to wrong Apri...
but it seems he is in a mid meltdown here.

I wish him well.
I think you have a point Keyser, and it would take a Hell of a lot of pushing before I acted, especially after the backlash from closing OAS's thread a couple weeks ago. I also probably would not act without consulting another mod/admin that way it keeps me in check and I'm not out there to just fuck with someone.

It is fun to tease and joke though.
Hoo hoo.....look at Laz trying to be teh funney. Damned old gags.....blech!

Dude, you want my mom, taking a fucking number and stand in the free clinic :lol:

Now seem like a fair man...don't do that to me.....maybe I'll go reflect on things in my basement...I have, yeah that's it, cleaning to do there.

As for Ken....I'm not done with you yet....slapass
I'm officially scared of each and every one of you...
:firebounce: one of my favorite words

Edited By Hey Ladi on Sep. 05 2002 at 10:37
Quote:maybe I'll go reflect on things in my basement...I have, yeah that's it, cleaning to do there.
Quote:My basement smells like Ladi

Did you get the power washer and the room deodorizer? Also, did you pick up the pet smell remover?

Good Luck in getting the smell out.
Quote:My basement smells like Ladi

a remnant of the Ken years...days...errrr hours.
No no no.....someone sent a cleaning crew in there to spruce it up....I need to get it back to the way it was. The smell of lemony freshness is killing me!!! :crackhead:
don't try to patronize me you little pipsqueak fuck you i will have gonzo rape you and throw your little punk ass in the Delaware river
i hate little shits like you so in short eat a dick cock sucker.
And as for your mom she's a good lay and i always wear a rubber 2 in fact don't want to knock her up and give you a half black brother
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