Full Version: Since oas isn't here - To c-block me
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and I always say yes to myself too......

I got lucky with myself in the shower today...
at first I thought I was not in the mood....

but eventually I got myself to give in....

and let me tell you, I was gooooood.
i demand a recount, im a much better dancer than DGW.
Twister? Rolleyes

OAS woulda offered up shuffle board.
if oas put his right foot on red and his left hand on blue, his hip would snap.
Gin Rummy gets the pussy wet.
i challenge DGW to a pose off, derek zoolander style. he is no match for my Blue SteelĀ©
all the women are PMing keyser saying that indeed DGW is hotter than you.
hmm, well if we base it on looks GW is taller and has the cuter face.

But keyser wins overall due to his charm and charisma.
thanks sugarcock, you're #1 in my book too.
Keyser also wins in the best ass dept, I hadn't slapped an ass that tight since PsYcHoTyPErGuRl
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