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Welcome, arpi.

Meet seph.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Sep. 05 2002 at 3:55
keyser, that translated as an invalid binary string. unlike your post, mine made sense
Quote:why am i in the cell. those were not random o's and 1's. it was legitimate binary posts that meant something. i am not complaining, just asking.

This is a legitamate lock up, this is no random lock up. You been asking for it a long time, you know you wanted it.
Quote:This is a legitamate lock up,
nope. i am not complaining, dont really care, but i have seen you post in aforeign language before. hypocrite. you just werent smart enough to realize it was translatable binary and thought it was gibberish.

Edited By Arpikarhu on Sep. 05 2002 at 4:00
Quote:you post in a foriegn language all of the time, hypocrite

Maybe arpi can share, the knee slapper response he was gonna give me, if I replied.
ah well, such is life. :lol:
please let this be permanent...
Dude using binary code is like saving your files on a floppy disk.
Quote:Maybe arpi can share, the knee slapper response he was gonna give me, if I replied
it was no joke, it was legitimate translatable binary. ignoramus
what is next, morse code? Maybe a smoke signal?

Oh no, wait....I already did that.
.... --- .-- .. ... - .... .- - -.. .. ..-. ..-. . .-. . -. - ..-. .-. --- -- - -.-- .--. .. -. --. .. -. .- ..-. --- .-. .. . --. -. .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. . ?
arpikarhu (3:57:43 PM): at least my posts were real translatable binary unlike your gibberish
SoupSoupAD (3:57:55 PM): you got me there
arpikarhu (3:58:14 PM): people post in foriegn languages all the time, why do i get put in the cell?
SoupSoupAD (3:59:32 PM): you should hire AM as your lawyer
SoupSoupAD (3:59:42 PM): you might have a case for geek discrimination
arpikarhu (4:00:02 PM): lol
igpay atinlay ishay unfay ifhay ouyay ancay eadray itay. peakingsay ithay ishay arderhay hantay itingwray ithay.
I offered him counsel in PM's he refused.
arpikarhu (3:57:43 PM): why do keep sending me naked pictures of yourself?
SoupSoupAD (3:57:55 PM): cause i want your cock
arpikarhu (3:58:14 PM): i am not interested ,so stop!
SoupSoupAD (3:59:32 PM): i will never stop till i have you encased in my ass!!
SoupSoupAD (3:59:42 PM): i will wear your sperm on my face as a badge of honor!!
arpikarhu (4:00:02 PM):ugh
I hate it when he stirs up a bunch of shit,
and then tries to act innocent.
Quote:I hate it when he stirs up a bunch of shit,
and then tries to act innocent.


Yeah I know what you mean, one minute he is best buds with someone then the dick turns on ya at the drop of a dime sans explanation.
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