Full Version: So very sad.....
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Well actually.....she didn't introduce me to QOTSA, Moron did.

(and get the t-shirt too, they are gonna be huge)
maynard, you should try to embrace the barrell, its much more fun
Maynard comeback....
"I like QOTSA cause Danked told me they were cool, not Spit, so there"
sticks out tongue.
Keyser.....I've been through more Hell on these boards in the past two years than you can imagine. TRUST me, nothing anyone says gets to me anymore. I've become emotionally desensitized. :-(
No really mayfag. We should all listen to bands with gay names, mediocre talent and no air play. Because we all know that the truly talented musicians are all on indy lables. Rolleyes

Christ on a big wheel, if they were THAT good, more people would like them.
Quote:I've been through more Hell on these boards in the past two years than you can imagine.
Kid could you post a good ole nigger spiratual for maymay?
he seems in the mood for one.
Quote:Keyser.....I've been through more Hell on these boards in the past two years than you can imagine. TRUST me, nothing anyone says gets to me anymore. I've become emotionally desensitized.
The fact that you would even post that just goes to show exactly how much the shit here does effect you. You are a weak man. :rofl:
Quote:Maynard comeback....
"I like QOTSA cause Danked told me they were cool, not Spit, so there"
sticks out tongue.

[Image: eek13.gif]
Quote:Christ on a big wheel, if they were THAT good, more people would like them.
Not true, some bands just never get that lucky
or some bands don't compromise their music in order to get that lucky...and most people just listen to shit that is thrown at them rather than actually looking for quality music.
Doesn't kid always have this argument. Besides a lot of these bands Kid considers underground aren't really that underground except they just don't get played on MTV and krock.
i'm afraid to ask what k1d actually listens to. i'm guessing WPLJ
Quote:Christ on a big wheel, if they were THAT good, more people would like them.

I won't even start with how wrong and close-minded that statement is...

actually, Queens is on Interscope Records. The new album came in at number 17 on Billboard, selling just under 50,000 copies, not bad for a crappy Indy band with "no talent" - so little talent in fact that Josh Homme is on the cover of Guitar Player Magazine this month...
Quote:We should all listen to bands with gay names, mediocre talent and no air play. Because we all know that the truly talented musicians are all on indy lables.

right! so i get it! ALL the bands on the radio and mtv have GREAT names and are SO fucking TALENTED. please.

just because people have diffrent tastes, doesn't mean you have to shit all over bands that you don't like, or most likely never even heard!
Quote:or some bands don't compromise their music in order to get that lucky...and most people just listen to shit that is thrown at them rather than actually looking for quality music.

In other words - "People don't know what they like, they like what they know".
I like Phish.
I love Swedish Phish.
That's clever.
I read on another message board that Screech is a big QOTSA fan and catches them everytime they are in LA. I found that rather amusing.
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