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i heard his wife hates him too
Well look at him. Is it that hard to understand why?
:lookatme: Parole Officer Polly reporting for duty.
must be his alcohol problem that killed his mother
Do you think that's what caused the depression too?
could be any of the 3
Maynard just proved my who thesis on when "jokes become shock value humor" It's when you have no decent reply so you go for the shock value reply. Hey it works for froy.
Quote:It's when you have no decent reply so you go for the shock value reply.
:rofl: the irony!! :rofl: phillipino boys :rofl: eggplants
shhhhhh Gonzo don't stop them,
I am charting their progress.....
They are almost to the point Grumpy was when he took his ball and went home.
Damn you for beating me to that Arpi!!!
yeah cause I always use those terms when arguing with someone.

Maynard you suck cause you're an eggplant, fuckin dolts.
Quote:Damn you for beating me to that Arpi!!!

It's amazing how someone always manages to beat maynard to a clever post mere moments before he was going to post it himself.
If you took your tongue out of kens ass for 30 seconds, you'd remember that how much you despise him.
when did I say I am friends with ken again? I am interacting with people on the board. if you stopped reading into every post thinking I am serious in my replies you wouldn't get your panties in a bunch. If you took your head out of arpi's ass every once in a while you might conjure up your very own opinion for once.
I would think if his tongue was in my ass, he would recall what a bad taste I leave him with.
do you put the keyboard on the floor when you are bent over for ken, or do you just dictate to him?
Sorry Gonzo, no one thinks for me. Thats why I got a divorce.
May May you got a divorce? Really???
Quote:Well look at him. Is it that hard to understand why?
Arpi if I leave you in here for another day will you cry a river and threaten to quit the board again? There's no one who gives a shit enough to keep you around anymore.
The ironic thing is I do......
I've always liked the fella.
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