Full Version: Harry potter selling vibrators to kids - The conservatives are up in arms
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Quote:Cause I'm a lonely Jew on Christmas.

Then you should have asked Hounika Harry.
It must suck to be a Jew.
Quote:Hounika Harry.

It must suck worse to spell everything phonetically. Does it really toss your cookies if I tell you it can be spelled starting with the letter 'C'?
Stupid sensitive Jews.
hey, at least we jews took care of that crackpot, jesus. Couple nails, two pieces of wood...goodbye annoying messiah.
Quote:Does it really toss your cookies if I tell you it can be spelled starting with the letter 'C'?

That's why I prefer christianity. they use english.
No shit.

It's taking the combined armed forced of the United States to kill Osama bin Laden, and all it took for the Jew to kill Jesus was a dude with a hammer
Quote:and all it took for the Jew to kill Jesus was a dude with a hammer

You mean the might and authority of the Roman Empire? :poke:

See, the ITALIANS killed Jesus. That's why they're so religious.

Edited By Arthur Dent on Sep. 09 2002 at 2:27
Nope, just a hammer

If the Italians did it, the Shroud of Tourin would have been a checkered tablecloth with marinara stains

Edited By Doc on Sep. 09 2002 at 2:29
If I had a hammer.........
I'd hammer in the morning....

(Damn you OAS)
Thread hijack status = successful.
Captain Obvious to the rescue
Pages: 1 2