Full Version: Fad sodas - Pepsi blue = 2000 flushes toilet water?
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i miss crystal pepsi
As far as Stewart's goes, Cherries n' Cream and Black Cherry are the best flavors. I don't really drink all that much soda, so I haven't had all these new funky ones.
Hybrid = RC
HedCold = Shasta
ain't nothing wrong with a good shasta
I Think Keyser is the first person on the planet that said that they like Pepsi Blue. The stuff is horrid. Tastes like sugar and soda water. Yuck. I can't believe they had a successful test market on that crap.
I like the Code Red.

What I really want to try is making an icecream soda with Vanilla Coke. It's seams made for it.
Pepsi Blue tastes like blueberry soda.
I like pepsi blue as well
More like Pepsi Spew.
Crystal Pepsi was good.

My dad is/was friends with the guy that came up with Snapple. He worked in a steel mill and was always telling people about his "idea". They thought he was crazy. Now, he's a rich motherfucker. Damn you dad, Damn YOU!
Pepsi Blue makes your poop blue! I swear!

I prefer water.
Am I the only one who doesn't like Pepsi Twist? To me, it has too much of a chemical taste to it. if I want lemon in my soda (which I do like) I'll slice a real lemon and put it in there.

Anybody try Fanta yet? Lemon Fanta is pretty good stuff.

I think it is funny how this shit goes in cycles...
first micro brew beers,
then snooty vodka
then non beer malt drinks
then snooty gin
now soda is poliferating the market....

some of the shit will stick
the rest will fade....

we are a prestige driven consumer market these days.

gotta make sure you have the right soft drink for your brie.
I would, but I find those 'Wanna Fanta' commercials so abhorent that I would never give my patronage to a company that thought THAT was a killer idea.

If you drink Pepsi Blue and eat a lot of corn, does it come out green?

Edited By Doc on Sep. 10 2002 at 4:58
The funny thing is, the first time I tried Fanta was in London. They didn't have the fly spanish girls dancing in their commercials.

Notice how the blonde in the commercial gets the least screen time? Reverse discrimination?
Zima & Pepsi One = King of all Fads.
Zima stuck around, for being a fad beverage. It appealed to Urban markets, hence its niche.

Pepsi One is a diet beverage, so it's a hard sell to begin with.
Zima stuck around cause preppies think it's like, oh my god the coolest.
zima tastes like sprite to me. but what do i know, im just an alcoholic.
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