Full Version: Book club: second try? - Is it worth it?
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whoever. fuck the yankees.
Quote:whoever. fuck the yankees.
ahh, that classic Gooch with that we have all come to know and love. the wit of Wilde and the writing skills of Cervantes. Keep up the good work and don't hide that ignorance under a bushel.
ok, Kid. keep the bait line going, perhaps you'll catch another fish in some sublimation/frustration issue guised as "mixing it up on a messageboard".
you probably need a nap after typing all that.
OK, since I refuse to buy a children's book, I'm going to pick up "Skinny Legs" this weekend. Anyone who wants to discuss it is welcome.

Anyone who really wants to read the Wayside books can feel free to have their own discussion. :thumbs-up:
wayside stories owns you and your adult books.
yup. he's too cool and important for wayside. dork.
well it's understandable, i mean, there's no ALIEN CYBORGS WITH PHASERS ATTACKING PLANET ZORGON 3 in it, so it wouldn't interest him.
if they blew up the deathstar he would have already read it like 54 times
Hey, I also read horror and Tom Clancy type stuff. :fart:
I'll read Skinny Legs again :thumbs-up:

...and maybe see if I can find my old copy of Sideways Stories...
spit rules! :thumbs-up:
My favorite chapter was the one about the kid who always got sent home on the kindergarten bus...wasn't there one that wasn't actually a student but a rat dressed up a kid? That book ruled!
I said I wouldn't BUY the books. Never said I wouldn't read 'em if someone loaned me their copy.

And has 'em as a box set.
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