Full Version: Mad or sad - No, not about drunk driving
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Ugh, I agree with Arpi on this.

Next thing you know, I'm going start praising Baz Luhrman as the the best thing since sliced white bread
Quote:Ugh, I agree with Arpi on this.
no you dont
K1d is entitled to his opinion, he is not doing it to be a dick, it is just is perspective. Arpi on the other hand is doing his schtick to be a dick, figure it out.

I am not mad, as k1d said this shit has been going on for far too long elsewhere on a regular basis. We didn't think it could happen to US but it did. I am sad cause I was on the train last night and was going over the bridge and saw the skyline, it was beautiful, the sun was setting and the sky was red and dark blue, yet that big gaping hole was still there. It's saddening to some, not to others what can you do?
It without a doubt was a sad day all over. You couldn't get away from the coverage on the t.v. Amd if you turned the radio on everyone was either talking about 9-11 or playing so called inspirational songs. How many times can you here New York New York? Or that I'm your Hero song. I'm glad the day is almost over.
Quote:Arpi on the other hand is doing his schtick to be a dick, figure it out.
i just dont feel the love anymore
Cause you're being a douchebag, there usually isn't a line but in this case I assumed you'd be able to figure out not to be a dick. Atleast on this day, in this forum. You wanna defile posts with your shit do so but have some tact. Atleast Afrika had an opinion.
Gah Damn, why did CBS re-play "9/11" last night? Why did I watch it....again??? I'm so fucking numb now from all those images and sounds again......grrrrrrrr....and that bearded clam of a fuck is in some gopher hole laughing his ass off at us. FUCK!
I didn't get home till after 10 last night and caught the last part of the 9/11 documentary replay. That really is an extremely well done piece. I still want to see the full documentary, not the one they sanatized for TV.

For the record, I'm still mad. Mad about what happened and furious that we have pussy footed around in our response over the last year.

May I remind our fearless leader Dubya what he said, terroists will not be allowed to gather, plot and carry out their terrorist activities anywhere in the world. If you plot, we will find you. If you lash out, we will hunt you down. And for the leaders of nations, you are either with us, or against us.

Well there are a whole shitload of countries against us. And you are going to do what Dubya?
That documentary has one line in it that does a pretty good job of getting across the overall shittiness of it.

They are interviewing a firefighter as people are jumping out of the building. The firefighter says to the cameraman, "Can you imagine how bad it must be, that you can either stay inside by the fire or jump, and they chose to jump out of a 110 story building?" That part gets me so unbelievably pissed
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