Full Version: Hypothetically speaking... - Hee hee hee
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Haha...Maymay is making peepee on Sluggo.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Haha...Maymay is making peepee on Sluggo.
That is pretty fuckin' funny.

maynard--> :outie: <--Angry dog owners

Sluggo about to get the anal probe----->[Image: spacecraft.gif]
Nice one Maynard!!!
But...They don't do that anymore...
Years and years of probing have proven only 1 thing...
1 out of every ten humans probed likes it.
[Image: tool.gif]
<font color=e5e5e5>

Edited By Maynard on Jan. 15 2002 at 4:36
Quote:Dirty Grrl

i am not dirty, dog fucker...BAH :no, really, fuck off:
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