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I think the funniest thing about this situation is that most of us probably found out the board was back up by reading it on
I just kept checking back here every 5 minutes. My refresh finger is sore.
i only checked the 473 times jack told me it was back up when it wasn't :disappointed:
Is this where all the newbies post?
Ok, who the Hell let teh half breed in?? :crackhead:
Quote:we should think of a good discussion topic, then maybe people will post... :thumbs-up:

So, do you prefer normal, knobby, ridged, or edible condoms? :burnfucker:
my last 3 dayz at work have been Hell
at a time i needed you all
you weren't there
i will never love any of you again

this could be the best weed i've ever smoked :fuggin:
either that or the fact that it's my first bud in over a week
it's nice to share... i'll make it worth your while :thumbs-up:
share and share alike i say
I passed a kidney stone while we were gone and I couldn't tell any of you. I needed comforting and you weren't here.
Boo hoo. Cry me a river. :fuckoff:
Wait till you have one. You can cry your own fucking river. :rofl:
I don't think she ment to share that :crackhead:
i was talking to gw, i have beer... what time should i expect you?
i hav ebber too

see above line
it's meant to say " i have beer too"
stoner sentences anyone????
so, i guess i shouldn't hold my breath waiting for you to drive over here... :-(

on the bright side, i still have beer :thumbs-up:
tricia told me she is gonna get me high... that's a good thing no?
Guys I'm seriously sorry for hacking the board. I was trying to delete and I got the wrong board.
Well at least your heart was in the right place AM :thumbs-up: :toast:
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