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LOL nope that was when a boy I used to "talk to" said I want you to hold my hand and he put his pecker in it instead of a hand.....oh to be 16 again :lol:
The old what are we going to do anbout this gag. So did you shake it?
I was a prude....I was like OMG a penis and I left :lol:
You could have at least said hi to it or nice to meet you and pat it on the head or something. Sixteen year olds, geeeez.
16? I just did that last week.
This one time I told psychobitch to go fuck herself, repeatedly... oh that was yesterday.
Quote:care to share the URL? LOL

So, even though you didn't get the fuckin joke and it was explained to you by Magoo, you are still being a lowly scumbag?
i did get the joke. this was a joke too. thats why the LOL.
Quote:This one time I told psychobitch to go fuck herself, repeatedly... oh that was yesterday.
and this is bizzare how?
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