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i haven't had a cigarette since late tuesday night/yesterday morning... :crackhead:

i'm off to get a pack now
i quit on thursday. had alot of angst for a couple of days but now i am completly over it. dont even feel the need for one anymore. i miss it though :-(
I only smoke when I drink....or maybe it's, I only drink when I smoke....

On a side note, I got carded for buying cigarettes when I was in Pittsburgh. It was in a hotel gift shop. The Damn bitch made me go alllll the way back up to the 10th floor to get my ID. THEN, she scrutinzed it for 5 minutes, since she was so fucking retarted and didn't recognize a California Driver's License! :burnfucker:
i like it when you call someone retarded and spell it incorrectly. its irony plus!
nah, it's a coincidence
party pooper
I mis teh edit butten! Undecided
fucking retart!
I retarted... :-(
Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams is on now
it's even better when people say "your an idiot"

which i am, because instead of walking up to the store i usually go to i went to the drugstore because it's closer and it was raining but they don't sell camel lights, which i just can't fathom, and when i got home i realized i paid 7 fucking 89 for a pack of winstons :disappointed:
I go to the local dairy mart and the limping guy with a slightly gay lisp [yet raspy], always tells me "We got the five packs, want it?"

I go to the local liquor store and the asian guy, his son, his wife or whoever, always grab a pint of Jack and have it bagged and rung up before I get to the counter.

I go to my bar and every bartender there knows to get me a Bass and a Powers. Every single time.

I go see my weed guy, who ONLY sells 50 bags, and he always throws a full ounce at me and says "I knew youd take it".

Point is, if youre going to do something, do it in excess and do it well, people will cater to your vices.

Confusedmokey: < I like the jumpy stoner. He jumps and smokes at the same time. Smokey got game.
Quote:just stop smoking. it's just a waste of money and makes you smelly. try chewlies gum instead.

if nobody else did....i got it
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