Full Version: Have you settled down in your life? - If not, where do you want to go?
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Thanks...its funny cause I wasn't even really considering Bawston....turns out I have a friend with friends in HIGH places.... :thumbs-up:
:fuggin: that's always good
LOL high places, not high friends.
Quote:True, that makes it worse. That means Kid was online at midnight in Vegas. Even sadder. Kid, go chase some women, gamble, get drunk. You know, the typical Vegas touristy things.

Ok you old fart, check this out...

I was at work at 8:30 AM (EST) yesterday morning...

Left the office at 1:45 PM (EST) to go to EWR(Newark Airport)...

Just made it as a Standby for the 3:15 PM(EST) flight to DFW (Dallas)...

At 7:00 PM (CST) I was in Dallas on Standby for another flight to LAS(Las Vegas)

I didn't get on that plane because it was over booked, so after walking from terminal A to terminal C, I then had to walk back to terminal B to try to get on the next flight as Standby...

I got on that flight at 8:45 PM (CST) heading for Las Vegas...

Arrive in Las Vegas at 10:00PM (PST), by myself, and had no clue where my hotel was or where the rental car place was...

So, I eventually got my rental and some shitty directions to the hotel. I got lost on the way to the hotel, but finally made it in a little after 11:00 PM (PST). Checked into my room and took a shower. Then I was too tired and too out of it to actually do anything.

If it makes you feel any better, I'll be hitting the casino tonight, mostly for the bar and checking out thee women.
Quote:If it makes you feel any better, I'll be hitting the casino tonight, mostly for the bar and checking out thee women.
Now that's more like it! :thumbs-up:

What hotel?
Like I told you last night, well after I called you a loser for being online at night while in vegas.... :loveya:

I'm at the Suncoast which is apparently where all the locals go... it's not the nicest hotel, but it's no Holiday Inn either.

There's a lot of shit in the casino... restaurants, bowling alley, movie theatre... all types of shit.
dude you can bowl anytime, HOOKERS!!!!!!!!

They'll suck your dick, yo!!!!!
Most hotels on Boulder Highway are local casinos, not all that bad.

Take your car tonight and drive to the Mandolay Bay. Check out the Rum Jungle in there after 11. You won't be dissapointed.
OAS woulda gotten laid by now.
Quote:OAS woulda gotten laid by now.
Right after the stewardess asked if he'd like a drink? Or after "chicken or fish?"
Quote:OAS woulda gotten laid by now.
!8 hours in Vegas/ Three times. :thumbs-up:
OAS is a pimp in every sense of the word.
Quote:Right after the stewardess asked if he'd like a drink? Or after "chicken or fish?"
What? You doubt I could pull it off right after "Welcome aboard, may I hang your jacket?"
Put your seat in the upright position, is code for, get ready for your blowjob.
the airport can be hectic, you need to settle yourself first
And red lights lead to white lights is code to let me know what restroom she will be waiting in. :-D
I want to have sex on a plane, but isn't it a federal crime?

Shit, i always thought that was just some shitty, over priced video store.
Only if you get caught.
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