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nope nope, concert
oh duh, it's already Tuesday today :crackhead:
amy better not invade my personal space. i'll blow my rape whistle. i swear.
hybrid dont worry, i probably wont say more than hello to you. im not as outgoing as gonzo to touch you
you talk to me :thumbs-up:
She'll pull HyBriD's pigtails and run away.
:angry: leave my flowing locks alone
If she drops something at your feet, look out! She's just trying to look up your skirt on the way up.
Confusedneak: i would never, i always put a mirror on my shoe.

oops ive said too much
Damn. i guess i have to wear underwear. Undecided
:angry: spoil sport
I haven't worn underware since last Sunday :thumbs-up:
even when you were rollerblading?
Ladi justs wants to be ready to roll whenever Eminem pops up on TV.

She's twitterpated. :loveya:
he IS cute though :loveya:
he suuure is
why is it so quiet here today?
Sorry. I was busy today.
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