Full Version: Boys stink
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poor poor ladi
i can't wait for pms to kick in :thumbs-up:
I think that's what this is :firebounce:

[Image: 03.jpg]
Headache? You told me you were washing your hair.

I see how it is. :-(
i hope ladi has her pms and then stubs her big toe while spilling hot coffee on her meow meow
ooo, that sounds like fun!
oh cool, you have a sock puppet? :bow:
sock puppet
pocket rocket

what's the diff?
i have pms, what do i win?
a cork
where does said cork go?
good question
depends on what the problem is ... talking to much or to fill the whole & kept the dicks out ... :thumbs-up:
The male preying mantis cannot ejaculate until the female bites his head off :thumbs-up: Any volunteers?

[Image: 03.jpg]
I think I've shown effectively that girls are much nastier.
Quote:I had a headache
Sex is actually good for headaches because of the endorphins that are released during sex make you euphoric and relieve the pain.

Just tryin to help Danked out... :bouncer:
[Image: SAT.JPG]
this is the best thread evar!!!11 more more more
Quote:danked just wants to show his :-o face

you know, O O O

ladi - that pic with the spider tat is awesome. can i steal it for a new sig?
why of course :-D
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