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technically its sunday. and anyway, the only soda i like to drink is diet coke.

you have no idea how good mac and cheese sounds right now.
I have a box of Kraft in the cabinet, but I don't feel like cooking... Undecided

The only thing I have in my place that I don't have to cook is marshmallow peep pumpkins.
;-) i'm the mac daddy
i have resorted to a box of cheerios and some ice tea. more are going in my lap then in my moiuth. this blows. i want a boy to always be around when i need something, like now, he would bring me french toast and strawberries.
i would probably just eat cheerios too
I'm just drinking iced tea, I'd rather be hungry than settle.

I also realized more than anything right now, I'd like a tan and someone to sleep with tonight (not sex).
i want to throw them at you.
i had to settle, my belly was starting to it itself.

tans are bad for you...but i too could use someone to snuggle with to night. im a cold one.
I'm never tan...always pasty...but I'd like some color...even if its fake...

Hey wanna go to the diner and then snuggle? :lol:
menlo park diner is the place to be. hot lithuanian chick is the waitress. mmmmm

(and chicken fingers)
trust me, i don't think its possible to be any whiter then i am.

im full now, but we can still snuggle
There's a diner out on Long Island we sometimes go to that has pottys that flush themselves, that's way better than a hot waitress.
there are no hot waitress in jersey diners.
i bet ya 10 bux
I'm so white that in a pic I took over the summer, you can see the white hue like glowing in the pic, my grandmother was nice enough to point it out. I guess we can play who is whiter when we snuggle ;-)
let me hot ones in any diner i have ever been too. and trust me, i am a diner fiend.
Quote:I guess we can play who is whiter when we snuggle

now that's hot.
menlo park diner. hot foreign chick. she's gotta be illegal. the owner just yells at her. and the place is always packed with philipinos at 2:00 am. it's weird. but fun. and she's hot.

(i want her to touch my weiner)
that's way too far south for me.
they have good chicken. and philipinos.
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