Full Version: Hey sleeper...
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this weekend went by way too fast, i want it back!!!
mine isnt over yet :-p
Mondays are only good if I'm off from work- otherwise it's the worst day of the week.
:crackhead: i want to go back to sleep
Rock a bye Naughty in the treetop, when the wind blows.............
It ain't so gloomy anymore. :-p
Thank you vg, I just woke up...Damn I hate waking up before 3. :angry:
you had 2 more minutes too sleeper, so close!
Quote:Thank you vg, I just woke up...Damn I hate waking up before 3.

welcome :-)
Quote:Thank you vg, I just woke up...Damn I hate waking up before 3.

You should try and sell your youth on Ebay to someone who wouldn't waste it.
I'll buy it for $200.
i slept til 3:30 :bouncer:

and just because someone's life is on a different schedule from the norm, doesn't mean it's wasted...
If sleep is a waste, just call me the garbage disposal.
Quote:and just because someone's life is on a different schedule from the norm, doesn't mean it's wasted
we use just as much of our lives as those people do. we just use it at different times. 16 hour days are perfectly normal, the only change is which 16 hours
I fell asleep at 7:30-8 AM...
fine...18 hour days. you waste even less than those people up at 6
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