Full Version: What do you buy... - When you go to the movies
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Dent reminds me of John Nash sometimes, really smart but strange in his social ineractions.
kevin nash is cooler
I eat Twizzlers till I vomit.
Twizzlers suck, noelle told me so.
No, they're so good. Till you've eaten a whole bag by yourself.
Fruit rolls ups are the way to go.
i brought a box of entamans(sp) soft batch cookies with me last time. that rocked.
You like soft batches in your mouth, don't you?
I buy nothing there. I just stop at 7-11 or WaWa on my way, fill up there and sneak it in.
Junior mints and nachos.

When I'm with one of my friends in particular, we deal with the grossly uneven cheese to nacho ratio by consolidating our cheese.

I love junky movie food. :thumbs-up:
Wanna go see red dragon?
I gotta take a drive, can I come down and kidnap you?
You're meaner than me, :-(
Quote:You're meaner than me,
There was no need for a comma there. :moonie:
It was for dramatic purposes.
You don't fool me.
Massage it, now!!!!
I might...

but I don't think your car is nice enough.

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