Full Version: Sue me now you small cocked big chinned "ceo" puss - Aka goodbye
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Jack Black?

I was thinking more along the lines of [strike]Horatio Sanz[/strike].

Didn't see Gooch already tabbed Sanz before, sooooo...

I guess I'll be played by Ron Lester, then James Van Der Beek.

Edited By Tenbatsuzen on 1034901313
You should be played by DJ Quills
Quote:and that guy that played chunk could play gooch
But but... he's thin now....
Quote:Jack Black?

I was thinking more along the lines of [strike]Horatio Sanz[/strike].

Didn't see Gooch already tabbed Sanz before, sooooo...

yeah you did, silly bastard.
Quote:That and a ring-ding.

ugh, i prefer yodels
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