Full Version: Hey, has a new banner... - I wonder what happened to the old one...
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Quote:I see it. Nice tribute. Had to go through IE to see it.

Yes, I use AOL. I feel shame

Thanks Danked. i see it too. Nice :rofl: :rofl:
Praised be Yoda,
I saved it for posterity.
I'm not saying no fingers should be pointed at me, simply that Froy points them all at me.
The drama that is about to build up here will knock the shit out of the drama that came from that place.
there will be no drama. i say so.
unless you plan on starting some.....
... It's pretty cool here so far, though I have just been here for three hours.... How can I put me photoshop skills to use?...
drama---> :fucking: <---me
you want to hump drama? :clueless:
FTL: Rico

Couldn't have been Brock. Undertaker - I'm lazy enough. Christ, even Crash is better than Rico.... wait, maybe that's a stretch.
I hump everything.

Might as well give drama her fair shot...
why does drama have to be a her? boys create drama too.
FTL, you have THREE MINUTES to entertain me.

VG can be Stacy Keibler.

I'll just flow with the Mattitude
The Big Slow of CDIH Raw

Maybe I should just be Ace Reporter Gregory Helms. Chicks dig the mask
No, they don't
I'm just getting the biggest kick out of how pissed off Alkey Is about this shit. He's been going on all day bitching like a schoolgirl who got her favorite dolly broken, trying to goad people into an argument, and no one's going for It.
Keep up the good work. Your 2 supporters are really behind you on this one.
what am i?
yaaaaaaay seph is here
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