Full Version: Hey, has a new banner... - I wonder what happened to the old one...
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Ahhh, I thought you meant he was posting in this thread. I was starting to worry that I couldn't read anymore.
Quote:Thanks for caring.
Hey, thats what I'm here for.

Shit, just noticed that the edit button was back. Sorry about the consecutive posts.

Edited By Zootybang on 1034394321
Uhm.... Seph did post in this thread.
Man, then I AM fucked.
At least you know why you're here.
Quote:The drama that is about to build up here

I dont get It.
Well, all of the code has been deleted.

Do I re-upload it? :-D
FTL really is swingin the big dick.
Let it go. Just forget it.
I used to think that you guys who did code were all just a bunch of nerds.
After I saw what FTL pulled off, I now think you guys are a bunch of really cool nerds.
Quote:Forget upping the code, all I needed was one pic.....

If it is the pic of froy and his little member, don't do it, seriously. It is so not worth it.
Gonzo's head is gonna snap off.
Quote:If it is the pic of froy and his little member, don't do it, seriously. It is so not worth it.
No no, not that, go to and see.
Eh, I'm bored of it now. He knows what I'm doing and keeps undoing it. I'm not gonna go back and forth all night.

Edited By FollowThisLogic on 1034395979
Thats cool. It's the little jabs when he least expects It that are the funniest anyway.
You know he's going to be refreshing it every 2 minutes all night to see what you do next, so In a way, you've won again.
Quote:No no, not that, go to and see.

It's funny how he's still whoreing his other site.
Wow, where's the LOGIC that i've grown to know and love? So bitter. So angry. I can not train him.
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