Full Version: Evil pop icons - Who do you hate in pop culture?
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Don't forget:

Anna Kornikova
Tiger Woods
Monica Lewinsky
Steve - the Dell computer guy
James Van Derbeek (sp)
eh nopers on that
she even made the finals in a recent tourney

tim mcgarver
john sterling
She's an icon for the wrong reasons......I don't like her...the Williams sisters either, they annoy me.
Nicole Kidman-overrated cunt
Avirl Lavigne
Jimmy Fallon
Wayans Brothers
Winona Ryder
Leonardo Dicaprio-Has a career from one movie
Quote:Andrew WK.

Fuckin should die of AIDS.
andrew wk was my QB in madden before i got boomer
how did you get him! i dont know how Undecided
buy madden cards. him and good charlotte come with your first pack
[Image: jared_Big.jpg]
ugh. good charlotte.
i know. i didnt sign them, either
i'd like to kill them.
sign them and maker them play constantly until they get an injury that ends them?
Chris Simms
Quote:Chris Simms
What a loser. A shoo in as a future Giants first pick in the draft. He'll fit right in.
Any "reality" person, including the American Idol fags. :fuckoff:
I blame this all on Mister Rogers. Just Norman Bates in a sweater vest.
How 'bout Bono. Wrote a couple of pretty good tunes back in the day, and decided to start preaching to EVERYONE.
Chris Tucker :fart:
Jessie Camp
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