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yea they are good, and the jokes in this thread might have been somewhat amusing 6 months ago.
I wasn't making them 6 months ago. I'm a little behind the times. So shoot me!
Quote:You gonna start reycling jokes a la hybrid now?
Quote:and hybrid doesn't like masks, i thought hedco....oh forget it telling them apart is like discerning sleeper from SLASH.
he made the joke, not me.
you continued it. you lose.
maynard set it up, i knocked it down. blame him.
in pajamas
are coming down the stairs
in pajamas
are coming down in pairs
in pajamas
are chasing Teddy Bears
cause on Tuesdays they all try to catch them unawares

:bow: :fart:
I still think emo sucks. :angry:
most shocking is that spitfire posted a billy joel song
I musta forgot to check my calendar for, Lets top threads from 2-3 years ago for no reason day
the emoticon thread title was a nice touch, too.
I fuckin hate emoticons
:laugh: Smile Sad :O :angry: Big Grin ??? Cool :Wink: :p :O
I forgive your shortcomings because I love you as a person.
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