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You people are's too Damn cold for flip flops and sandals. Brrrrrrrrrr....
Black Boots. It's all the rage with the thugs.
with white shoelaces, all the rage with neo nazi's.
... I'm a Sneaker Pimp, baby..
blue/beige pumas
black high top converse
Quote:with white shoelaces, all the rage with neo nazi's.

Laces? I don't need no stinking laces!

Boots with a zipper down the front. Para-trooper style or slip ons. I'm a lazy bastard. :-D
Woah Luna...if you can walk in those, you're far more the woman than I shall ever be.
sandals are gaining, come on.

A vote for sneakers is a vote for communism.
DCs or Timberlands
Im down with the Nikes :crackhead:
I had timberland sandals, they were great.
Summer: bare feet, flip flops, sandals
Winter: socks and/or slippers at home, sneakers or boots out
sandles rock so hard. barefeet is the way to be my friends.
Quote:sandles rock so hard.
i like to paint in bare feet

sneakers= chuck taylors
dress shoes/boots/sandles= 4" heel

Quote:I think putting on slutty shoes and walking around the house must be a universal girl trait
less chance of falling in front of a guy if you practice first
.... not in my case, but coordinated chicks :lol:

bah! to practical footwear

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1034656041
Quote:And they're tennis shoes, not sneakers.

sorry it took me so long to get to this...... this thread sucks.
Saldals are the bomb yo. I say in 2 years, they will make a comeback. And then who'll be laughing?

And my flip flops aren't what makes me unpopular. Me telling everyone to fuck off all the time is what makes me unpopular.
Boots...I've got this pair of Hilfiger boots with sheepswool or something on the inside, they are so fucking comfortable and warm....When exactly did Sandals go out of style? I constantly see people wear them, even when it's too fucking cold to do so.
sneakers all the way...unless of course its wintertime outside, then the boots are all the rage.

oh and luna, i think i love you
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