Full Version: Slash attempted to rape me at the pool tournament!
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Yeah but it is expected of me.
I'm trying to pass Danked's Law. All board members must be notified if Gonzo is to be attending any future board parties.
Slash is so dreamy, he shouldn't have to grab for it?
i was groped. i didnt even know he was there until it was too late.
Well did Slash at least offer you a reach around?
Too late as in you woke up bleeding from the rectum? I hate that.
this thread sucks
oh be still my heart..the dreamy one is here! :loveya:
slash sucks
Hi, vg.

I am not only dreamy, but, I hang with the cool kids ;-)
lucky. i wish i was like you.
Slash still sucks on so many levels, I can't even begin to count.
Or he tried fuckin.
You don't win.
alkey quit yer bitchen, you know you loved it.

ps. *touch touch*
Are ya saying that I am easily amused?
Quit drooling.
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