Full Version: Theres something in my vents - And its creepy
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it was a "EYYEEEEEYEEEE" of a little creature

Quote:so you did try to fuck it, don't say I don't pay attention.
the straw wouldn't reach
... can you find out if it's a gerbil? I need one.
what should i name it?
... The Creature that Lives in My Vent. Buy a fighting fish and send it in, they attack anything that invades their space...
Quote:The Creature that Lives in My Vent.
good one
...well, it's been an hour now, and like the saying goes, "If you don't know what's making weird noises in your vent after an hour, call the police."
its no fun messing with it when everyone is sleeping. i hope its still there in the morning. then people can watch me poke it and hear the "EEEYYYEEEEYYEEEE"
... no, by morning, you will be dead.
Name it, ThrillHouse
I hope he's dead.
Quote:I hope he's dead.
:lookatme: :lookatme:
So what happened? Did you fuck it, and if so was it good for you?
whatever it is is still there
Either kill it or fuck it already - or kill it and then fuck it. A little necrophilia never hurt anyone.
it's probably just a big rat
they're harmless unless they're hungry
Quote:they're harmless unless they're hungry
He's right. Maybe you should just feed it, give it a sandwich or something. Once he's full, you can probably get rid of him easier - then again, he might stick around since he's getting a free meal.
Quote:the straw wouldn't reach
HAHA, HedCold has a small weiner!
i say get yer RA to check it out
esp if yah don't like the guy
i REALLY hope it was a cute little gizmo gremlin, but now that you sprayed shit on it it turned into a big slimey green one. and it eats you.
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