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Anyone else have this yet? Yeah yeah yeah.....I know it doesn't come out till next week. But that's what's so great about the internet right?


They've been playing All My Life alot on the radio and MTV, and I really dig the song. The whole album sounds a bit different to me than their previous stuff. I think there's some definate influence from his time with QOTSA even though Dave say's that there's not.

I'm not usually much of a fan of these high profile bands, but there's something about Foo that I kinda dig.

If you haven't heard the single, it's all over the net, so I'm sure you could find it.
I'm turning into Hybrid's local CD store. Undecided
come onnnnnnnnnnn
Excuses excuses
you should probably quit and go home and send me the cd
You gonna pay my bills Hybrid?
you and your excuses
send me too!!!!!
shut the fuck up
got this cd 2 weeks ago, its nothing spectacular

ill send it to you when i get home
okey dokey
The CD needs some time and patience....if you like the Foos, you should like this album.