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Hey, saved me the train fare :thumbs-up: Now listen to VG and be careful. :toast:

Acctually, DC might be safer than Maryland, since he has'nt hit DC yet because it's too risky and getting out of there would be harder.
<3 monkey fucker
:-D <3 vg
I just farted.
Quote:monkey fucker
you named yer vibrator?
She knicknamed it Buzz.
Quote:I just farted

im proud.

Quote:you named yer vibrator?

no, that's pedro...mokey fucker=hybrid <3
I'm playing with scissors...I'm still not being safe, MWAHAHAHA
Good morning...its a yucky yucky day, but I look forward to playing with guns again tonight in lab.

I'd also like to thank the Command bus for being on time and not having an accident this morning like it did a few weeks ago in the tunnel.
fine then, i hope you fall while running and the scissors impale your balls and you cry. cry fucker cry.
Its all fun and games until you poke your eye out! :disappointed:

you're too kind. :-D
Hey you, out there on your own sitting naked by the phone. Would you touch me?
fuck you all i had to walk to school in this SHIT
Reach out and touch someone.
Touch me? :lookatme:
In the special place Polly?
You got it dude! :bouncer:
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