Full Version: Gta:vc - Holy fucking shit.
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Call it "Jerkoff" the movie.
We'd need a midget though
Quote:So Hybrid can buy the poster of you to put up on his wall.
with your nipple being bitten

Edited By QuickStop on 1036179630
my poster is worth more than your life
[Image: CKY-PST2-X.gif]
my poster > your poster
survey says: NO
richard dawson > you
stop talking please. and breathing if you can.
im not talking. theres this new fangled thing called the internet which allows you to communicate with people without the hassle of using your vocal cords.
genius. really that was brilliant.
i try
actually that was pretty funny
thank you, sir
it was so original
stop being mean to him or he might shoot up his school..
we can only hope
good point
i dont have a trenchcoat. can i borrow one from somebody?
[ikea joke everyone else is ready to say] i think ikeaboy's is available [/ijeerts]
he really has one. no joke.
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