Full Version: Fu to winter - Enough already
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I think it's colder out today than it was yesterday.....I don't know how that's possible, but I guess it is. :crackhead:
Where I live the temperature is 2 degrees right now. Thats not the wind chill (which is -24 btw), that is the real temperature.

My nuts have officially become shrivelled up prunes. They will never be the same now. :disappointed:
ahhhhhhh.....michigan. lake effect snow...nice heavy winds coming off of the lake.
what really fucking sucks is that none of the women are taking one for the team and wearing short skirts now.....da bitches :poke:

Quote:Where I live the temperature is 2 degrees right now. Thats not the wind chill (which is -24 btw), that is the real temperature

ah yes, reminds me of my days living in Syracuse :crackhead:
Skirt .... monday & tuesday :crackhead:


Edited By Hey Ladi on 1043336710
I think you meant to say "skirt." But in any probably have your own damned fur coat under it I doubt you were cold anyway :poke:
I have an extra shearling if anybody needs it.
:loveya: hi luna, what's the coat like?

Quote:you probably have your own damned fur coat under it anyway
:fuckoff: bitch
I actually gardened! that's the whole reason for the skirtage
Quote:Skirt .... monday & tuesday :crackhead:
did you get chapped lips? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i was watching the news earlier and the weather guy was all excited that we might hit 30 on sunday, then of course it's gonna drop back to the 20s for next week. of course the heat at work is broken too. :crackhead:

and the wind... i was running for the train yesterday when a gust came and i was basically running on the spot...
I'm looking forward to the FU Summer thread in a few months
So much for that greenhouse effect and the polar ice caps melting.
i almost froze my fingertips off last night while i was getting gas with no gloves on.

i'm cold.
Yeah, I like the winter but this is just ridiculous.
It's supposed to be in the 40s next week. Woohoo! :crackhead:
Quote:It's supposed to be in the 40s next week. Woohoo!
Holy Crap! That's a heat wave compared to this. Maybe I'll lay out in the sun. :-o
it was a mere seven degrees out on this fine and lovely morning!
Fair Feels Like

Yeah.. today is gonna suck.
7... Damn.... it's getting warm :burnfucker:
My son just wet his hair and added gel before he left for school. Should have some nice icicles by the time the school bus comes.
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