Full Version: Attrition thread - Quitters, please post your farewell
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hating Ken is soooooooo September.
Ken, why did you take your unfunny ball with you and go home in the first place?
Quote:Something about going downhill that fast on snow I don't like.
what about sleighriding? don't you like sleighriding? are you not american? what is wrong with you? you have the right to sleighride, and yet you stand here telling me that you don't like going fast on the snow! for shame i say!
:lookatme: I missed Ken :loveya:
Hmnmm.....good point Skitch. Let me re-evaluate this.
Quote:Ken, why did you take your unfunny ball with you and go home in the first place?
hey, his ball is hilarious!
I thought I was kens balls.. Undecided
never did really.......
Mr. Slash,
got a little busy at work,
blah blah blah......

I think my unfunny ball was a tad stale,
figured the board could use a break from me,
as badly as I needed one myself.
Quote:hey, his ball is hilarious!
So now there's 2 board members with only 1 nut??
i thought it was called calvin ball...i missed a memo somewhere
calvin stole his ball from me. Maynard ball is where it's at man.
ok, so who cares about ken's ball if we have either maynard or calvin ball then? thats just silly. ken was ok, but not good enough to have a game named after him
Picks up Maynard ball. Kicks Ski Tchr 4 U in the nuts. 500 pts.
:grabs ball off the bounce and tosses it through the hole in Ken's head:
:rolling on ground holding nuts: picks up ball and throws at sloats
:catches ball with left hand: You throw like a girl. :Hands ball to Leonardo DiCaprio:
Confusedtops this stupid game:

Ken rules. You all leave him alone. After Arpi's latest gayness when the board was down, Ken has permanently overtaken him in terms of cool.

But he's nowhere near DIG. Let us praise DIG and Ken.
i missed ken
DIG has a very efficient public relations machine.
Awkward, just awkward.
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