Full Version: Have you heard about the new pirate movie?
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Little old lady who?
I didn't know you knew how to yodel. :rofl:
Why can't superman, seek out and bring down Osama Bin Laden?

Cause he's in a fuckin wheelchair..... OH!!!
Quote:I didn't know you knew how to yodel.
i don't get that joke
haha danked that was great.
smacks himself in forehead.

<bgsound src="" loop="1">
where does the sheep get his haircut?

at the baa-baa shop

and i still laugh at that stick joke galt :thumbs-up:
Love the sound effects....
Why can't blind people see?

Because they're fucking stupid.
Why did the kitty cross the road?

Cause his dick was stuck in a chicken.
What's worse than a dead baby?

A truckload of dead babies. What's worse than that?

Unloading the truck with a pitchfork. And what's ever worse?

One live baby, at the bottom rear, eating it's way out.
A black guy walks into a store looking for work:

Black Guy: Hi. I'm looking for a job.

Interviewer: Well you're in luck. I have a position available where all you have to do is drive around porn stars all day. The job pays 200 grand a year.

Black Guy: Man! You're bullshitting me!

Interviewer: You started it.
What's the difference between a cantaloupe and Magic Johnson?

cantaloupe's don't have AIDS.
(yeah, it's a bit dated, but I still love it)
magic johnson has aids. what dont you get.
Dammit, the webpages are talking to me again

What? You want me to kill everyone
A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder.
The bartender says; Were did you get that?
The Parrot says: Africa. There's millions of 'em over there.
oh i didn't see the punchline. I thought it was a 'suspense' joke.

stupid me.
Black kid is in the kitchen with his mom. She is making cookies and accidently spills flour on the kid.

Black kid - Momma, look, look I'm white.

The mother is outraged and smacks the kid and tells him to go and tell his dad what he just said.

Black kid - Daddy, momma spilled flour on me and look, I'm white.

The dad is outraged and spanks the shit out of the kid. Then he tells him to go upstairs and tell hin grandfather what he just said.

Black kid - grampa, momma spilt flour on me and mommy and daddy hit me cause I said I am white.

Grandfather - well deservingly so, my boy. Now what did you learn from all this?

Black kid - Well, I learned that I been white for 5 minutes and I hate you fuckin niggers already.
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