Full Version: Since my last topic was such a raving success... - Here's a new one...
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I'm about to go to the dining hall...hopefully the food doesn't suck too bad...
stfu n00b

Maynard said he wanted a son, well here he is. Youse can share lunch thread duties.
Oh could we?!?!?!?! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Actually i think this would be considered a dinner thread.
So what did you have anyways?
Fried Chicken, Brunswick Stew, Whipped Potatoes & Gravy, Cornbread, Blue Berry Pancakes and Brownies...thanks for askin...
Fat fuck!
I'm not fat...I'm phat...
maynard now knows how expensive it really is to put a kid through college
I get as many all you can eat meals I can have anytime between 7am and 10pm for 1284 a's not too bad...Tuition is a bitch though...
2 packages of chicken ramen noodles with 2 slices of american cheese thrown in.
Quote:Fried Chicken, Brunswick Stew, Whipped Potatoes & Gravy, Cornbread, Blue Berry Pancakes and Brownies...thanks for askin...
and this is why i'm glad i never got the meal program at school :-o

well, i'm starving so i'm gonna have some tomato soup and grilled cheese

ah suxors, i forgot i finished the cheese last night :angry:

Edited By crx girl on 1035336640
Quote:well, i'm starving so i'm gonna have some tomato soup

Ever tear off chunks of white bread, roll them up into little balls, and throw em in tomato soup? :thumbs-up:
One of the roomies made some brownies...I'm gonna have one...