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jays, have you any idea of ideal sig pic dimensions and file size? judging by the above post, I THINK NOT!!!
..oops, sorry. here, I fixed it...

[Image: clsfix.jpg]
jays doesnt make sigs. he makes art.
i'd be honored to have 'the jays' make me a sig pic
sometimes i think i should have a sig pic, then i think maybe at this point i should just be that person that doesn't have a sigpic, but maybe that's because i'm too lazy to learn photoshop Undecided
Eh, Photoshop is easy. I taught Hybrid. If he can learn... anyone can.... but I love the guy. :thumbs-up:
dancing alkey ruled :thumbs-up:
wow...I am not worthy of such a cool sig...but if it wasn't so big i would definately be using it - that ruled jays :thumbs-up:
[Image: keyser.jpg]
make me a sig too jays :-p
And make sure it has plenty of dancing letters and something to do with Brandon Lee.
and chong
make me a smaller one and i'll be your best friend! :lookatme:
someone make me one with the "Life of agony" logo please. Or anything, for that matter.
Does someone want to help me figure out Photoshop? I tried and tried but the computer kept calling me stupid.
[Image: clssm.jpg]

I ain't making it no smaller
I can't read the name.
see? Thats why I dont do sig pics, I do not like limitations on my work...
oh, quiet you...
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