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I don't wair flair!!!!

Ju Vill Vear Ze Flair, JUDEN!!!
ha ha.

button wearing douche.
Go club a baby seal. :-(
MayNaRd LoSes!!1!11!
ahhhh'll learn some day. I never lose. I just don't tell anyone when I win.
[Image: joyoftech.jpg]
hey Kate, Sigur Ros plays the Beacon on November 1st.
Quote:I never lose. I just don't tell anyone when I win.

No shit, really Keyser? :-(
way to stay on top of things
maynard is gonna show up with his suspenders covered in buttons
I knew about this show when it was announced, and it's the first show I've been sad about not going to. :-(

I'm gonna go cry now.
emo fag
Tenbatz can help you with your flair, he has tons of it.
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