Full Version: Who's your daddy? - One of us have been lied to.
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or nerdy
Quote:you're so needy

you have no idea. :-D
i was talking about arpi, but ok
Quote:i was talking about arpi,
always talking about me. cant hide your jealousy for a second. its really sad. :disappointed:
Quote:or nerdy

funney thing about that, huh?
Quote:cant hide your jealousy for a second.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
lesson #3:
blueberry flavored coffee of any sort is the devils work and is to be shunned.
Quote:blueberry flavored coffee of any sort is the devils work and is to be shunned.
You know you want to try it - stop denying yourself the pleasures that which life has to offer!
begone evil demon of faggy coffees!!!
I had blueberry beer a while back.
Eventually, you will succumb to the goodness that is Blueberry Creme. It's just a matter of time.
lesson #4:
do not accept the yahoo cookies.
I wish my daddy wasn't my daddy :disappointed:

Blueberry coffee is disgoosting....I had it once and it gave me the green apple splatters.
lesson #5:
never trust the ones called PollyannaFlower46 and LZ. they shirk their obligations, break their promises, and are not to be believed.
Lesson #6: Do not expect CDs if the one you are expecting them from does not have your mailing information.
Quote:Lesson #6: Do not expect CDs if the one you are expecting them from does not have your mailing information.
this would be excuse number 276. you never asked for it, you never told me that you had finally gotten around to making the cd's, you never told me they were ready to send. you havent even made them yet so who are you trying to fool?

lesson #6:
stay out of the trailer park. it is full of mullet wearing wrestling freaks that you would be better of not associating with. they are from the wrong side of the tracks if you get my drift.
Quote:this would be excuse number 276. you never asked for it, you never told me that you had finally gotten around to making the cd's, you never told me they were ready to send. you havent even made them yet so who are you trying to fool?
If you wanted them that bad, you would've sent your info on your own. I got shit I could send you if its that important to you.
Quote:lesson #6:

done and done.
Quote:I got shit I could send you if its that important to you.
why did you bother signing up? dont turn this on me like its my fault you reneged.

lesson #7:
never be fooled by a thread started by maynerd with an innocuous title. it will be a lunch thread and these are best avoided.
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