Full Version: I wanna take a shit
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i don't fart either.

is there something wrong with me? Undecided
no, now i really want your ass
and that's something new? :-p
whats that smell?
your balls?
swamp ass. hard.
Sometimes when my bird gets on my nerves I fart on him and he flies away. :-)
you're the dirtiest girl i've ever seen in my life
I'm not dirty...I'm just not feeling dainty today.
why don't you just shit in your hands and throw it at passing cars
That would be so cool...but I'm studying for a midterm...maybe tomorrow!
it's fun
My professor told me that when he went to Rikers a few years ago, the inmates through feces at him through the was funny! I want to go to Rikers now to have feces thrown at me!
i'll bet you do. poo queen.
Quote:poo queen

Nice status.
I wanna shit on Polly's face.
Now I have to shit too. Undecided
Quote:My professor told me that when he went to Rikers a few years ago, the inmates through feces at him through the bars
the monkeys at the zoo do that too!!!
It's gonna shoot outta my ass like a freight train coming out of a tunnel.
I have no problem with shitting outside in public places. I can shit anytime anywere i need too.
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