Full Version: Best new band of 2002!!!
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Pages: 1 2

they own you

Check it
they are quite good :thumbs-up:
I already checked it. And yeah, they're pretty rockin. :thumbs-up:

My farts smell REALLY bad this afternoon. Undecided
Quote:My farts smell REALLY bad this afternoon.
i enjoy my farts
that was easily the most horrible thing i have ever heard!
that was joey fatone singing. listen closely.
yes, if you want the rest, you can get it on maynard's ftp

and I love smelling my farts, no matter how bad they are.
My farts sounds like Joey Fatone? :clueless:
Quote:that was easily the most horrible thing i have ever heard!
hahahha exactly the reaction I was hoping for from you.

I hear they have a 20 minute jam session in between that song when they play it live
they have to. their set is what, 5 minutes long?
yea if they include unreleased material.
haha :lol:
Best new band? RAGING PUSSIES!!!!
is dave grohl their drummer?
it's obvious that project pseudo is the greatest band of 2002. duh.
the proof is in the pudding
if you do a Daughters cover, I will be front row center at your next event.
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