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Hi. Did someone say "hash?"
potato hash?

Quote:Just smoke it and be happy.
oh certainly, I just don't want to overdo ... or underdo it :thumbs-up:

suddenly there are lots of blueberries in my life

I hate Short Hills, and everything it stands for.
Pompous stuck up poofy bastards, give me a break.

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1037287962
Today is just one of those bleh days for me. I still don't feel well and my regional manager will be here today, oh joy. On top of that it is my long day, I work from 8:30 - 3:30, school from 4:00 - 5:30, back to work from 6:00 - 9:30.

I need some drugs. Preferably something that will boost my energy and take away the congestion.
My wife is starting to walk like Peggy Bundy
"don't you know that you are a shooting starrrr, don't you know, don't you know, that all the world will love you, just as long as you are" :banana:
Try speed Jack. It's the drug of champions. :thumbs-up:

Ladi....can you ever overdo it? I mean come on.....just smoke till your stupid. Then take another hit.
I really wanna make some pot brownies right now.
Quote:can you ever overdo it?
that one time :crackhead: I got lost in my head for a few hours
Quote:just smoke till your stupid

Gah Damn, does that explain a whole Hell of a lot around here :rofl:
I really wanna eat Danked's pot brownies right now :clueless:
I still wanna eat Danked's vagina.
You wanna eat a dank vagina....what?
"don't pass me by, don't make me cry, don't make me bluuuuu, cause darlin you know I luv only yuuuuu, I hate to see you go, don't pass me byyyy" :banana:
"la la la la, la la la la, Elmo's la la la, la la la la, Elmo's world....Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayons too, that's Elmo's world"
My vagina is not dank!!!
whip it out whip it out Confusedmokey:
Quote:She is trying to signal him ... "like this Stupid!" :lol:

Yeah I could understand that but... they are both fixed. :clueless:
How do I whip out a vagina?
If you have a big, stretched, pornostar-style, floppy labia, then whipping it out won't be a problem. If you don't, then you have to rub it until the mound gets swollen.
No, my vagina is pretty.
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