Full Version: What's your favorite magazine/newspaper, etc. - guilty pleasure or news junkie
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well concidering one is black and white...the color one. silly ass.
i'm not worried. i think she can take you. :lol:
Yeah... well.... Confusedneak:
VG's hair is better.
i'm convinced maynard is OAS in training. like a young padawan learner.
Does he have the gay mullet/ponytail thingie?
yeah mine is natural :-D

hey danked...fuck you in your vagina
maynards padawan braid is on his chin
Oh yeah? Fuck you in your vagina!

Quote:maynards padawan braid is on his chin

It's not braided.
VG wins. :-(
but i still <3 you danked. i just hate fake bleach blonde hair.
brunettes are hotter
Quote:brunettes are hotter
That's a fairly idiotic statement. I hate when people say that. That just shows how fucking shallow people can be. Too many people say that. It's all in the way they wear their hair. Some people just don't look right with certain color hair.
Quote:fucking hate cablevision! i need directv!
go io if your cablevision - not only do I get Tech TV, but also Tech TV interactive - you can watch the show when you want.

I thought I was the only nerd who watched that channel.

Quote:I get Rolling Stone delivered to me at work
Why at work?

New free subscription - just got got today - Sound & Vision.
Lotsa stuff I'll never buy - like $4,200 receivers and wide screen HDTV's.

Edited By PeterDragon on 1037325462
Quote:go io if your cablevision
i thought of that after i posted and have been reading about io for the past few minutes
I'm getting iO tomorrow just so I can get TechTV!

And Much Music, VH1 Classics, and MTV Hits. :bouncer:

More music=more gooder.
if you get io, do you have to get it on every tv in the house?
much music is a cool channel. i like it more than mtv.
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