Full Version: New 7-Up - Good/Bad/Other
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:i had diet vanilla coke the other day and it actually wasn't too bad

Bloody ell, did you have it with some kidney pie?
no, and it's steak and kidney pie, and it's disgusting
I haven't seen it, although I do drink Diet Mt. Dew - Caffeine without the calories or sludge.

side topic-
have any of you ever been to EPCOT Center Coke mini-pavilion? free soda samples from around the world. My kinda place. :bouncer:
wow jack changed my status. Rolleyes code up a storm jacky!!
ha ha
I just love how when someone picks on Hybrid it isn't funny.
"It's funny cause it's not me" - homer simpson
Pages: 1 2