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In general, who do you think is happier to be alive? enjoys life more? Just gets the most out of being here? Men or women?
depends on who gets laid more
Women, because they know they don't have to do the same God Damn awful job for 30 years. They can get knocked up, charge up a huge credit card debt, and stay and home. ...... And then bitch about not going to Italy for a vacation.
this thread sucks :banana:
Damn. Too late to take it back, but I say men. Women spend too much time worrying about silly stuff like an extra 5 pounds, a small nose, watching sad movies and crying, etc. But then again... oh I don't know. Why do we have to get to all the tough quesions?
Women don't HAVE to worry about the big things: Providing for a family, protecting the family, cleaning up the roadkill in front of the house, shooting the rabid pet dog, not cumming in the mouth.... so they worry about the small things so they CAN worry about something.
Ah Sloat sounds like every other happily married man I know. :disappointed:
I think it depends on the situation. It's not fair to say that women don't worry about the big stuff. What about a single woman who lives on her own? What about single moms? I guarantee they worry about the big stuff all the time. I'd say, unless someone is in a particularly cushy situation, we're all probably equally happy/miserable.
I think, in general, women are better at socializing and have closer friendships and that makes them generally happier.
what the Hell kind of silly unanswerable question this is ? Rolleyes
Quote:Women don't HAVE to worry about the big things: Providing for a family, protecting the family

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read...women DO have to worry about providing for a family and protecting a family...they might not do it in the same way that many men do, but don't act like women do nothing. I'd like to see you work full time, go home cook dinner, do the laundry, help the kids with the homework, make cookies for the bakesale, amd take the dog to the vet.
Since I don't get home until 10:20, I don't get a chance to do a Damn thing. Why the Hell am I working so late, because the wife wants to stop working in a year a raise a kid I'll never see, so I need to increase my production at work. Where's the joy in that?
Would you rather your child be raised by strangers? My mother took off years from work so that she could stay at home with me and my brother, and went back to work after we were both a bit older because it was something both my parents wanted. You know men are entitled maternity leave as well, right?
right, but you are asking me to also bake and take care of a bunch of little shits too. All at the beggings of a woman.

I don't see her working 80 hour weeks so that I can have a Porche....
Quote:All at the beggings of a woman

don't have kids .... please, get a Porche instead
what do yah need a porch for?
i though only the brothas hung out on the porch