Full Version: Fat Pigs sue Mcdonalds
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Quote:The children include 15-year-old Bronx schoolkid Gregory Rhymes, who stands only 5-foot-6 but says he tips the scales at 400 pounds and has diabetes after eating McDonald's nearly every day since he was 6.

"I normally order the Big Mac, fries, ice cream or shake - I like to super-size my orders," the Mac-aholic said in an affidavit.

His mom, Ruth Rhymes, claimed she wouldn't have let her son gorge himself on McDonald's calorie-crammed food if she knew it contain high levels of fat and salt.

"I always believed McDonald's food was healthy for my son," she said in papers filed in Manhattan federal court.

Can you say "nigger rich"?

I bet if they were still picking cotton they wouldn't be such fat fuckers!! :fuckoff:

How in the fuck could you not know that that food is bad for you??? McDonalds sucks ass to begin with but to have the audacity to say you thought it was healthy??? These people should be harpooned!!!
Maybe if they got off their fat asses and got a job, hobby, fucking anything.....

You don't see many fat young Puerto Ricans.... they're to busy dacing from age 12 to they get married.
Quote:Maybe if they got off their fat asses and got a job

What?? And give up welfare and WIC checks???
Doesn't McD's accept WIC checks?

The bottom line to all of this is anyone who says they thought this food wasn't bad for them should be shot. That's like someone saying "I didn't know smoking was bad for me". It's ludicrous. Sadly, it's also the American way.

What's even sadder is I bet these fuckers win their lawsuit, or at the very least settle to an amazing amount of cash - all of which they'll probably use to go eat more McD's.
I thought the worst is when that dopey cunt spilled hot coffe on herself and sued them and won. This is just fucking unbelivable.
Not knowing that the food was bad for you is a stretch, I might almost give 'em the benefit of the doubt on that.... their own stupidity would be at fault though, not McDonands..... BUT.... they're going that one step further, saying they thought it was.... HEALTHY?!

Doesn't anyone prosecute for fucking perjury anymore?
you know if they win they'll just spend the money on MORE FAST FOOD.

edit: Damn you goatweed, beat me to it ;-)

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1037910610
I predicted this along time ago. The day they went after Joe Camel, I said Ronald McDonald is next. It really is the next logical step. This will be settled out of court, and your hamburgers will go up in price because of it. There may also be be some kind of warning on the wrappers now. "WARNING: Eating too much food will make you FAT"
well, that dumb cunt sued because she was too "embarrassed" to peel off her polyester pants after she spilled it on herself and thereby burning her thighs.
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