Full Version: X-Mas skin??
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what skin? what are you all talking about?
read the thread, if you still don't know, read it again. the first few posts should answer your question
is it me or is the red on green hard to read
DGW, sober up and try reading it again.
i want foreskin, it was ripped from me at an early age!!!! Undecided
Wow...I'm a fucking tool! I just NOW realized that those things next to the forums aren't hershey's kisses, they're Christmas trees! :crackhead:
I thought they were kisses too - I thought I was the only one! (I eventually saw that they were trees).
So basically... Jack could give you a maple leaf instead and you wouldn't know the difference? :lol:
oooh I'm starting to get used to it :fuggin:
this might be the most prettiest skin i have ever seen, thank you jack
it's like x-mas foreskin :thumbs-up:
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