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ok whats the number, im lazy
I wasn't able to play Vice City for a while because of this problem. What seemed to help was standing it up on its side. But the best solution I found was to use a lens cleaner on it for everytime you wanted to play on it. I'm not sure about the other games I have but I bought Sly Cooper and it didn't work at all.
i tried with the lense cleaner, but the lense cleaner wont load
I have the lens cleaner, I have the canned air - neither worked. I did return my new PS2 for another one, and so far so good with that one. I'll have to call Sony and raise some Hell about the first one - good idea skitch. Hell, if they agree to fix it for me, I'll just take this new new one back for some sweet store credit...
WBK, call 18005551212...Damn kids these days and being more lazy that us slackers
Quote:seemed to help was standing it up on its side

I thought you weren't supposed to stand it up vertically?? Which is it? Vertical or horizontal?? I'm so confused.... Undecided
i heard standing horizantally is better. wait..i guess that would be sitting then. not standing
Quote:Vertical or horizontal??

It doesn't really matter as long as you don't forget to turn your PS2 logo the correct way too.
what do you mean by that mad? so that you can see the disc tray when it opens? or that you should have the tray up or what?
Your PS2 logo on the disc tray spins. Confusedmokey:
My brother bought PS2 a little over a year ago. The fuckin thing just stopped working all of a sudden. So, my mom being the crafty fuck she is....went to the store with her friend who was buying a PS2 for her son for xmas. They took it home, swapped the new with the old one. They took it back no problem, and gave my mom a brand new one. Then when playing VC, it would get the read error at the same points in the city.

To fix this, I changed the setting in the configuration of the PS2. Haven't had a problem since.
I can't remember what the setting was for it, but I'll look tonight and post it. Hopefully that will help.
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