Full Version: iron-ons - remember those?
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we want xheadwalkx custom tshirts.
Yea, if you made shirts for us, that would be crucial!
t-shirts were my idea! :angry:

i have used the iron on print from your computer paper. works like a charm
xheadwalkx goodness is in the future!
They acctually sell iron-ons made specifically for black t-shirts, in high school we used the stuff to make a bunch of t-shirts to sell at one of the bazaars, had no problem with it. You just can't rush it, that was learned the hard way, but as long as we did it slowly with plenty of pressure the t-shirts came out great.
Uh, just ignore this.

Edited By Arthur Dent on 1039126652
They sell that Lambda Lambda Lambda shirt at Hot Topic in the Ocean County Mall. I would imagine other Hot Topic stores would have it.

Edited By Sweet Angel on 1039557602
Sweet Angel, really??? I would rather just buy it than make it! YOU ROCK! :thumbs-up:
:banana: :-D :bouncer: :-D :bouncer: :-D :bouncer: :banana:
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