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i am about to install a complete wireless system in my apartment. this should ,(if all goes well), link my PC with my two laptops , thereby creating a [finger quotes]network[/finger quotes], of such awesome proportions that even the gods will weep. Or at least thats the idea.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1038441578
Let me know how it works. I was looking at the wireless routers last weekend at Best Buy. I was going to do it, until the guy told me I needed a wireless card for each of my computers. That's when I put everything back and figured I save that for a day when I was feeling more brave.
i had to get a router, a wireless hub for the pc, and 2 cards for the laptops. its alot but i am going for it! i am a plucky young go-getter and i am reaching for the stars to get a piece of whats mine!
Don't forget to enable the security/encryption modes, or some punk with a pringles can will do evil stuff to you. It must be true, I saw it on the Fox News at 10. And to think, not only are they a tasty treat but a threat to your cyber security? BASTARDS!!!!!

Keep us posted on the progress - YOU ARE THE VANGUARD!
Wish you luck???

PLEASE!?! Stop wasting my time, you selfish bastard.

Cool. Can you do that thing where you put together pictures ripped out of a magazine and doll parts to make a real girl? Cause that would fucking rule all.
i got the router working with the pc. WHOOPEEE!!!

now to try and get the laptops fired up. me am computer genius.

yeah, i called the help line.
this thread sucks
this is laptop number one!! this is so fucking easy!!! now i can download porn without getting out of bed. life is good.
onto laptop 2.
Quote:Don't forget to enable the security/encryption modes, or some punk with a pringles can will do evil stuff to you.

A coffee can works much better. :thumbs-up:
laptop number two!!! my mission is complete. soon i will have pron downloading capabilities in all rooms of my apartment simultaneously.
[evil laugh] hahahahahahahahahaha [/evil laugh]
now I know who to call when I want to set up a wireless network in my house :-D
i've heard that wireless networks weren't really that hard to set up. pretty much the same as a wired network, just with different network cards.
thats right! i am in bed! no more sitting at my desk for me!! :bouncer:
i'm happy with my couch
full cable modem speed with no wires.naked in bed with 11mps. life is sweet!
good luck (why are we wishing him luck?)
Quote:good luck (why are we wishing him luck?)
Forget that. Why is he telling us he's naked? :crackhead:
trust you to key on that.
I can't imagine sitting at the computer naked.
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