Full Version: Encoding MP3's - what to use?
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OK, I've downloaded/traded hundreds of MP3's, but I've never actually taken my own CD's and converted them to MP3's. What's a good software app to use? I'm looking to encode at a decent bitrate to maintain the sound, but I'd like to keep the filesize respectable.

The reason I ask is because I just got my hands on an Iron Maiden boxset thats comprised of BBC recordings from the 70's and 80's, as well as classic live performances from the mid to late 80's (the creme de la creme as far as live Maiden goes) and I wanna send them to a few friends of mine without copying the 6 cd's and mailing them. And if there's any interest from you guys, I'd gladly share them (as well as the rest of my metal collection) - but I need to encode everything first.

Any suggestions?
\m/ MAIDEN!!! \m/
I'm listening to it now, and it's great Confusedmokey:
this seems to work very well - thanks!
cdex is the bomb! been using it for years trouble free
hey goat.......
hook me up, yo!
OK, I managed to get the Maiden stuff done this past weekend - thanks for the Cdex suggestion(s) - I also had to use Exact Audio Copy on two tracks, but in the end I got it done. Now I need to do the other 2000 CD's that I have :-o

Quote:hey goat.......
hook me up, yo!
If you're serious, get me a place to upload it all and it's yours Smile
I used musicmatch last night to encode my Beatles anthology... worked quite good
I had musicmatch on my PC once and it screwed up my MP3 playback somehow, so I deleted it.

I've been trying both CDEx and EAC, and I'm starting to lean towards EAC more - it seems to encode the music better, at least to my ears. Now I need a portable MP3 player, and I'm all set :-D