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I won't even pursue it further cause you won't even reply to anything I say down the line, you keep up with that story though.

Back to my shaft, it still hurts and now it is burning.
I already edited that dick.
That's nice of you, I think after the years people have gotten enough of the tearings and rippings on the board over personal shit so I won't say another word my good man.

Maybe if I rub some powder on my cock it will sooth it, When I was at alkeys house I showered and used his gold bond on my balls.
Quote:When I was at alkeys house I showered and used his gold bond on my balls.
No wonder you have an itch. You're lucky they didn't fall off yet.
I told Alkey for the first time this week and he was visibly upset. He doesn't use gold bond for that reason, it's medicated though. It burned for a bit but then was rather cooling and felt good.
ice. slowly rub an ice cup up and down the shaft. should be good to go after that. :thumbs-up:
This thread is disturbing
when the weather gets cold like this, my hands get really dry and sore. maybe you need to moisturize. and try covering it up when you go outside :thumbs-up:
I was snorting it.

Silly me! :bouncer:
Does it go well with the cocaine alkey montana? Did I mention alkey has a collection of submachine guns and bags of money in his living room?
can i cut off his friends leg with a chainsaw?
When is the last time you have actually seen your junk?

Probably some exima.
The last time your wife let you have your balls back.
Quote:bags of money in his living room
nice - just like me! :thumbs-up:
But seriously....

There's this stuff that great for itching called SARNA better than calomine etc.

I got some on my junk once....numb for 45 minutes.

Back to the ludeness....
I agree with trish, maybe it's dry skin, try some lotion.
It feels much better, maybe the snow helped. I still haven't spanked a batch yet but I did buy some baby oil just incase the desire arises.
I hear Aloe Vera lotion works very well too.
I may masturbate tonight, i'll keep you posted.
I want samples.
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